The Jewish Theological Seminary’s web site offers a wide variety of information regarding JTS and Judaism, both Conservative and general.
The United Synagogue is the international service provider and policy-making organization of Conservative congregations in North America, representing close to 800 member synagogues. The USCJ’s Departments, Regional offices and Commissions provide extensive programming and services to its congregations in areas which include education, youth (USY), Israel, administration and leadership. In addition, the organization works to formulate a religious response to pressing social and religious issues such as intermarriage, the environment, child welfare, and domestic violence.
Leaders of the United Synagogue decided years ago to establish a Conservative Jewish home in the heart of the Jewish State. Imbued with that vision, they founded The Center for Conservative Judaism in Jerusalem. Today, Conservative Jews from all over the world visit the Center for study, guidance, fellowship and hospitality, and above all, to be exposed to the Jerusalem/Israel Experience.
Ramah Programs in Israel provides stimulating educational experiences in Israel, for high-school student, families, congregations, schools and Ramah campers as well as a summer day-camp. Our programs range in length from two-weeks to 4 months, and are custom built for each group.
“The Masorti Movement is the Conservative Movement in Israel. Masorti is the Hebrew word for “traditional”. The name was chosen because the Masorti Movement fosters the practice of traditional Judaism among Israeli men and women while embracing modernity. In that way the Masorti Movement helps to promote the growth of a healthy and tolerant spiritual and ethical foundation in Israeli society.”
The Rabbinical Assembly is the international association of Conservative rabbis. It actively promotes the cause of Conservative Judaism and works to benefit Klal Yisrael, publishes learned texts, prayer books and works of Jewish interest; and administers the work of the Committee on Jewish Law and Standards for the Conservative Movement.
Camp Ramah is the camping arm of the Conservative Movement, with overnight and day camps across North America, including special needs camps, family camps and retreats. Ramah maintains a day camp in Jerusalem, and Israel tours for all ages.
Ramah Programs in Israel provides stimulating educational experiences in Israel, for high-school student, families, congregations, schools and Ramah campers as well as a summer day-camp. Our programs range in length from two-weeks to 4 months, and are custom built for each group.
The Cantors’ Assembly is the largest organization of professional Hazzanim in the world. It is affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism and helps to preserve and enhance the traditions of Judaism. The web site includes links to Jewish music and choir sites on the web.
Women’s League for Conservative Judaism is the largest synagogue based women’s organization in the world. As an active arm of the Conservative/Masorti Movement, it provides services to 700 affiliated women’s groups in synagogues across North America, linking 120,000 women in 25 Branches (regions) with groups in Israel, Great Britain and South America. Through volunteer programs and projects geared toward education, religious observance, Israel, and public policy and advocacy, members expand their knowledge and commitment to Judaism, participate in contemporary issues, and support Jewish ideals worldwide